Thursday 31 January 2013


·         Export as PNG file to make background transparent
·         More pages – A3 (landscape)
·         Ruler – 21CM to split page
·         Columns
·         Insert picture – PNG – text wrap – edit wrap points
·         format (text tools) – drop cap

Monday 28 January 2013

Peer assessment - Azra Tiric

In regards to your front cover consider;
- to change the font name, more simplified.
-Change it navy
-Include more pictures
- editing the cover photo
too much of the same font can dull it, include variety, or print screen into PhotoShop and use magic wand tool and then select similar to add a wash, blue maybe? ( turn opacity down).
Hope this helps :)

Tuesday 22 January 2013

Drawn draft of my front cover

before starting to take photos and edit together my magazine front cover i drew up a draft of what i wanted my cover to look like. I initially wanted to use a female model, that looked like Amy Winehouse and planned on using "NMR" as the title. After making my front cover i have changed both of these things as i used a male model and named my magazine "ALT".

Thursday 17 January 2013

Front cover - re-draft

conventionally, long shots aren't used for the front cover images of music magazine however i thought that this looked a lot better than the drafts with mid shots. Kerrang! use long shots for their covers quite a lot too so it isn't completely alien. The guitar and new font for the mast head also helps to make my chosen genre more obvious than before.

Contents page - second draft

Contents page first draft

Friday 11 January 2013

RMP Magazine

RMP magazine is a free, monthly, downloadable PDF file magazine for rock, metal and punk bands. I found out about RMP magazine when they followed me on twitter which is quite a popular way of starting companies and bands to gain recognition which i will take into consideration when it comes to promoting my magazine.

Masthead fonts

after receiving feedback on my initial front cover, i decided that i needed to change my masthead immediatley before carrying on making my contents page because i was planning on using the masthead design somewhere on my contents page. I looked through around 200 font designs on fontspace and decided that I liked these fonts the most.

 I tried 'NMR' which was my first idea for the title (but decided not to use it because it was too similar to 'NME') to see what it would look like and i think that 'ALT' looks better so i will still use ALT as my magazine title.

Tuesday 8 January 2013

My final front cover

Self assessment

After reading through my peer feedback, i have seen that a recurring issue is that the image i used doesnt look like it is dor a music magazine. To fix this i will try to edit the image to make it look more like it is supposed to be part of a music magazine.
Peer Feedback

Joe Bryant

Your blog is really good and full of photos and vidoes rather than just broing text which is good. Everything you've uploaded you've explain why's it's good or not so good. Also you've used different types of things such as prezzies and you tube videos to explain how you want your magazine to look.

Your music magazine is good as the three colours work really well together however there are a few blank spaces where you could put in some more things to make your magazine look more lively. Also you could add a footer to include more conventions to your front cover. Also your masthead needs to be bigger and needs to stand out more.

Peer feedback

Louise Hudson
Your blog as a whole is really great but I've noticed that all of your drafts look incredibly similar and this shows lack of progress. Sounds harsh, but its true.

Apart from that, your drafts are great, I feel they need a little more differentiation to each other, this is achievable by changing fonts, using different images and rearranging the layout.

peer feedback

Thomas Powers your blog is well laid out and you have thought well about the positioning of things in it. Your front covers are well designed and you have thought well about ideas and changes. the only things I think may be wrong with your front cover is that you have not made many noticeable changes between all of your drafts.

Peer feedback

Sophie Griffiths This is a really good blog, filled with plenty of ideas to explore. The choice of your own videos which you have added help to enhance the predicaments of creating your final front cover. There are good slide-shows of prezi's for example, which create a more fun way of looking through the designs, which you made for your cover. The background of the blog on a whole, helps to stand out with the written writing. Strengths of the blog, are all really good, the colours are good, and you have followed the conventions really good too. Areas of development, i would say again your front cover image needs to look as if it is for a music magazine. Other than that it all is pretty good.

Peer Feed back: Sarah Vause

Overall assesment of blog: I like the way you have included a variation of different ways of presenting your work: slides, Youtube videos, prezi's etc. It makes your blog far more interesting. Strangths of front cover: I love the font types which have being usedand you haven't used too many colours which is good, following conventions. Areas of development for front cover: I think possibley your main image needs to look like it is for a music magazine. Also I think your masthead is looks a little oddly placed perhaps reposition it more towards the top left of the cover.