Thursday 28 February 2013


The inspiration for my "ALT LOVES" on my double page spread came from this article from NME. The article also inspired the layout of my double page spread as before seeing this, i was planning on having just one image on the right page that could be removed and used as an A4 poster for the audience. The strip down the right of the right page made me think to put a seperate item down the side of my page to look more realistic. Where the 'radar' sign is ion the NME page i was thinking of putting another pull quote because the image looks plain and a bit boring in that corner so i thought that a pull quote or another (smaller) image would liven up the page. I need to write more for the review on my double page spreadto fill the dark blue area. The main image for the NME DPS is a clever reprisentation of stereotypical teenagers because the band featured is called 'The Teenagers' which was a dificult task for me to replicate because my featured band is called The Shands so i just used what i thought was the best image that i had taken in my photo shoot in November/December.

Tuesday 19 February 2013

Teacher feedback - contents page

This contents page is very good, It look very professional and I like the colours are very conventional as they  match your front cover. The pull quotes and competitions are very grabbing and would definitely appeal to your selected target audience.

My only criticism would be that there is a fair bit of space that is wasted in the section of what's going to be in your magazine. I would have made the text much bolder and grabbing for your audience so they are automatically pulled into reading what going to be in your magazine - this would also make them want to buy it if the stories were interesting.

Ben Naylor.

Peer assessment - contents page

The colors used are consistent and it carries a theme throughout the whole of the contents page, with the use of the colors red, black, and white. The images used look professional and are well placed around the contents page. The fonts used look good and again are consistently used, ensuring that none of the text looks out of place. To improve this you could maybe add more images, but apart from this it is a very professional looking contents page.

Thursday 7 February 2013

Possible fonts for my double page spread title

I tried using fonts on Publisher but I realised that most of the fonts available were very similar so I decided to used to write 'The Shands' and these are the best six that I found.