Wednesday 28 November 2012

Female Model Inspiration

All of these women would make good models for my magazine because they all have the image that i want for my magazine. All of the women have fairly light make up apart from their eyes which is important for me to try to stick to this if i use a female model. I like Amy Winehouse's hair because it is different and has a lot of volume. I also like her eye make up and will try to use something like this if i use a female model. I like Azealia Banks's hair and glasses. I also like that she has a visible tattoo on her collar bone because this will appeal to my target audience. I like Caroline Flack's hair because it starts brown at her roots and then goes blonde but it doesn't look like she's just let her roots grow back and ignored them, it actually looks good and quite stylish. Lady Gaga has some very unique and controversial outfits but i think that because if this she would fit into an alternative music magazine. I like her hair in the photo above because it is turquoise which isn't a colour that people would usually dye their hair which makes her unique. Lana Del Rey has hair that i would consider using if i used a female model. Paloma Faith also has hair that i would like to use if i decide to go with a female model. i think that the contrasting red on blonde colours combined with the volume of her hair makes her stand out from the crowd. I like that she is wearing a blouse because my target audience are the kind of peopke who would wear shirts and blouses.

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