Wednesday 28 November 2012

Initial ideas spider diagram

YELLOW = thoughts that I liked and will try to incorporate most of them into my magazine. 
ORANGE = thoughts that weren't great but if i cant use something that was highlighted in yellow, i will use an orange highlighted idea as a back up. 
RED = thoughts i didn't like and will not use.

I like the idea of having a USP (unique selling point) for my magazine but I couldn't decide on which one to choose from so i decided to choose all three of the possible USP's. These will all be inexpensive items so that the magazine company wouldn't lose money through these offers.
          although i am only going to be writing out one article for the magazine, i decided to think about some of the other featured stories in the magazine. The reader profile for NME said that the people that read NME are also interested in film, mobile phones and music. I decided to put these things into my magazine as well as key issues which could be politics, crime, health etc. I decided to combine film with video games because my target audience are interested in video games. I highlighted it in orange though because I wasn't sure whether or not to include it. These other stories will be named on my contents page so that it doesn't seem like i am charching £2 a week for one article.

1 comment:

  1. This is a great idea Oliver Twist! I can tell you spent ages on it :)
