Wednesday 28 November 2012

Focus Group

Before asking the group about music magazines we had to think of 10 unique questions. We decided to think of our own questions in stead of using 10 sample questions because they were more personal to the peope we were asking. The Questions we asked the group were:
1)what music magazines do you read? and what genre of music do they fit into?
2)what attracts you to buy a music magazine?
3)do you think that digital downloads should replace paper magazines?
4)how important is the price of a magazine to you?
5)do you think that buyers should have a bigger say on what is featured in the magazine?
6)what features are essential to you when buying a music magazine?
7)do you think genres are too generalized?
8)what would you change about music magazines?
9)do you think there is a stigma attached to people that buy music magazines?

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